11/02/2022 – 13/02/2022 ganztägig
Technologisches Gewerbemuseum
Wexstraße 19-23
1200 Wien
SPORTUNION Die Liechtenauer Fechter – Verein für historisches Fechten


Dear Friends of Dreynschlag and Dreynevent! We have some excellent news for you today: Dreynevent 2022 will happen!

Abiding by current law and with a strong covid prevention concept, it will be possible to enjoy the Dreynevent in person. There will be a few minor changes here and there, but all in all it will be a Dreynevent like the years before the pandemic. Please note that you will need to be fully vaccinated against Covid-19 to attend Dreynevent, so better go and set up a vaccination appointment if you’re not vaccinated yet.

At the moment (mid november 2021) the Covid-19 case numbers are going up rapidly in Austria. The government just issued new rules for events bigger than 25 attendees: additionaly to the vaccination it is now also necessary to be tested negatively with a PCR-test that is no older than 48 hours. There are free testing options available for tourists in Vienna (follow this link for more information: Testing options and to-dos in the event of an infection).
You will have to bring a valid PCR-test certificate when you arrive at the event. Since the test is only valid for 48 hours, please also plan for another test in Vienna over the course of the event weekend (see the link above).

Also keep an eye on our facebook and instagram pages to see the announcements of upcoming trainers for the Dreynevent!

We currently experience technical difficulties with our registration tool. Registration is stopped for today. More infos will be published here and on social media in a few days. Sorry for the inconvenience. If you already paid and didn’t receive a confirmation mail yet, please stand by, we are working on it.